Monday, March 28, 2005

Same ol', same ol'...

Radgeek posts Fathers for Lies, in which he looks at misquotation (or fabrication of quotes) to further one's ends, specifically how it was/is used on the Fathers for Life page in an attempt to discredit feminism.

William Gillis argues for technology and against primitivism and the ELF.

And Vision Circle ennumerates the ways in which America isn't No. 1. This piece is originally from the Austin Chronicle.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Usual

DC Simpson has a nice argument up at I Drew This about the Terri Schiavo fiasco. I agree. :-D

RadGeek has a very nice article on the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' recent victory against Taco Bell. The article also includes criticism of some libertarian's attacks on the boycott.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sing a song

Sing a song of sixpence.
The lonely nighttime's cry
Shakes the heart with quiet words
And leaves me with a sigh.

When the soul is opened,
With angels can we sing;
And so the lover's deepest wish
With everyone does ring.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005

I've decided...

...that I rather like Senator Byrd. Though I do remember, at one point, him being likened to Cicero (Ciceroni!), grandly orating while the Republic fell into Empire. Read some of his speeches.

Also look at The Long Tail, and Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools: How to Sell Your Book, CD, or DVD on Amazon.


Is this Photoshopped? I don't think so... giving up. (From CommonDreams)

The Progressive Democrats of America. Haven't decided about these folks yet.

A.N.S.W.E.R. - well, it's something.

I'd also like to mention . It's a 'social bookmark' website, and really pretty neat. Take a look. Mine are at . Hopefully I'll set them up on the sidebar soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Just saw a very funny domainname: .



Yeah... once in a while a double-yolked egg is interesting... but two whole dozen? (From the Orthodox Anarchist.)

S'more stuff to keep you entertained...

...or at least make you think. (Is it sad that that seems backwards from how it's normally said?)

media girl writes,

What a lot people -- mostly men -- don't seem to understand is that women's control over our own bodies is not negotiable. We are not slaves. We are not breeding machines to be regulated and controlled by the government.

Right on. In the meantime, Daily Kos notes that "This is my body".

We also learn, in a comment from Jo Miller

...about the derivation of the excellent word "kakistocracy[." I]t is not from the Yiddish kaka, though given the context you might be forgiven for thinking so. It's from the Greek kakistos, meaning worst. Kakistocracy is government by worst. Worst in the sense of "most hopelessly unqualified," or worst in the sense of "has fewer morals than a tuppenny skinhead crack whore." Or in this case both.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

OK... After this, I'm going to bed

I found something completely unexpected while searching for music/audio files in OGG Vorbis format: the Long Now Foundation.

Basically, the idea behind the foundation is that we need to counteract the foreshortening of the future; in the past few decades, people's attention has gone from anticipating several decades into the future (eg, Orwell's 1984 or 1950's depictions of "the year 2000") to the next few years, to, essentially, only the here-and-now. Danny Hillis, the foundation's founder, says something I found rather profound and interesting:

I think of the oak beams in the ceiling of College Hall at New College, Oxford. Last century, when the beams needed replacing, carpenters used oak trees that had been planted in 1386 when the dining hall was first built. The 14th-century builder had planted the trees in anticipation of the time, hundreds of years in the future, when the beams would need replacing. Did the carpenters plant new trees to replace the beams again a few hundred years from now?

Plus a neat diagram illustrating the difference between "now", "nowadays" and "the long now", as seen by the foundation.

Now, of course, whether or not you agree with the foundation's purposes or you think they're a bunch of crackpots (or conmen), there are some really neat ideas: a clock built to last 10,000 years, chiming once a century. The Rosetta Project, an effort to catalog, record and permanently store, on optical disks that are human-eye visible (with a microscope... the point being not based on any computer language or operating system, etc.), all the known languages on Earth; (This isn't likely to happen, of course, since many languages are quite near extinction and documentation takes a long time... nevertheless, a good effort could be made); a permanent of human knowledge; and possibly more. There are even some actual benefits right now: the Rosetta Project is a live database, and though I haven't explored it thoroughly, it looks somewhat promising; there is also the Longviewer (aka the Timeline Tool), an Open Source timeline software tool. Looks interesting, and is supposedly running on the Biotechnology milestones page. There's also supposedly a permanent email server of some type.

Besides... I really really want one of the Rosetta Disks... it looks cool and I could be a keeper of a really neat (and important!) piece of history.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Good Doctor is Back!

Okay, so I just had to delete the 5 exclaimation points I put in the title of this post because I'm such a fanboy.

Doctor Who is back! I would stay up until midnight or 1am on Fridays and Saturdays to watch the back-to-back episodes on PBS. I have the made-for-TV movie on VHS at my parents' house. I freaking dressed as the Doctor one Halloween! I'm just so excited!

(Interesting to note what people get excited about, isn't it? Very telling about our culture...)

More linkage!

Okay, really and truly I'm going to write about the weekend soon. But first,

Some amusing (and scary-because-it's-true) comics from Barry Deutsch.

A reminder that today was International Women's Day.

A link to feminist blogs, to go in the sidebar and complement anarchoblogs.

Mouse Words, a feminist blog that I like so far (almost as much fun as Pinky!)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

No big surprise here...

Well, okay, the 25% fascist was a surprise. Otherwise.

You scored as Anarchism. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

Thursday, March 03, 2005

the Facebook

So, I've noticed something unsurprising but interesting about my facebook connections.

Visualized, there are two main groups: queers and PSP. The queers, though a number are also in the fraternity, are more connected, and least in regards to who's connected to me, than PSP.

And, of course, there are a few scragglers, and one or two crossovers.

Interesting. Facebook is a fun toy.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Just thought I'd share this quote from one of my physics profs with y'all. This is about an actual homework set that we had:

Problem one is standard. Problem two is standard. Problem three is standard. Problem four won the Nobel Prize. It is a trivial problem.

New sidebar links!

So, I updated the sidebar, and changed the structure a little bit. There's now an 'alternative media' section, seperate from the blogroll and the main links. I also added KGNU, Pacifica Radio, Democracy Now!, and FAIR. Take a look, stream some content... if you're in the Boulder area tune to 88.5FM, or 1390AM in the Denver area, for some KGNU. Enjoy!

The City Born Great - How Long 'Til Black Future Month?

The second story in N. K. Jemisin's anthology How Long 'Til Black Future Month? , "The City Born Great," is an exciting ta...