Thursday, February 05, 2004

Alright, well... I can't remember much of what's happened in the past week (which was part of the point of the blog in the first place, so that I could remember...)

So, let's do "The Day of Bad Decisions" first, which I remember all too well.

DATE: Last Thursday. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and then I had to go to work early in the morning. Well, I was tired of work so I skipped out a bit early. Not a great decision. But whatever. I went to the physics lab to finish my long freaking lab report (which I got an 81 on!!!@!@!#@!), which took me about four hours to completely type and everything. Somewhere in there I managed to get to my phonetics lab and get most of the way finished with it. Now, writing on a Thursday, I can tell you that by Thursdays I'm pretty well fed up with homework and school. Especially so after the lab writeup. I was ready to get fucked up. Conveniently, the frat bois were going out to Dream in celebration of David's birthday. Beforehand, of course, getting fucked up. I'm getting ready to go, and my intuition says, "Don't." But I say to it, "What's the worst that can happen?" and it says, "Someone will be hit by a car." And I'm like, "Whoa." and he's like, "Whoa!" and then we were like, "Whoa." But I tell it to play hide and go fuck itself and head over to Jason's with Papu, Kyonee and Xav. And proceed to get more than mildly fucked up. (I was drinking "soda" for all you brothers out there. Yes, "soda." Tiny bubbles, you know.) And that's fine with me, I'm ready to be screwed up. I leave my keys and wallet at Jase's so that I won't lose them on the bus (this is both a good idea and a bad idea...). We head out and get to the bus stop and everyone's having a good time (except possibly the other people at the stop. I don't know; I couldn't focus long enough to look at them). Bus comes, everybody's happy, on the bus. Somewhere in there I start feeling sick. Not sufficiently sick to get off bus, but enough that I know and fear what's coming if the bus doesn't stop soon. Which it doesn't. Poor bus driver. Oh well. Anyway, I'm feeling a little better by that point, and when we actually get off the bus (after everyone assuring me that they've all done it) and start walking around outside I feel immensely improved. But I don't want to go to the club. Jason, Kyonee and Opie stick with me and we even go to a pizza parlor nearby to help me settle down. But I still don't want to go. Finally, we're standing near the bus stop, arguing about who should go on and who should go back with me (and I'm also feeling bad at this point for making Jase come back with me, because he's refusing to let me go by myself) and we finally argee to go to the club. We get a taxi and get over to the club and... Opie has lost his wallet somewhere, most likely on the bus. So he can't get in. Kristina comes out and takes Opie and myself back home while Jason and Kyonee go into the club. Now, remember those keys? I can't get into my apartment without them, and somehow I'm lucid enough to remember this. So I go ...


Statewide power flicker just now?!?!?


back to Kristina & Opie's and sleep the rest of the night there. In the morning, when I'm feeling oh so wonderful and happy, Opie and I leave and take the bus over towards Jason's so I can get my keys back (well, Opie was going to class. The route was fortunate). While en route, both Scott and Sarah get on the bus, seeing me (and speaking with me in Scott's case) in my not-very-fabulous-at-all hung over state. Great. Anyway, the rest of Friday was fine except that I didn't go to any classes except physics and slept through my lunch date with Nara.

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